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Red Chili Pulpo blue-red


    Tuotteelle ei ole suomenkielistä tuotetekstiä. Englanninkielinen tuoteteksti:

    That's how even the smallest adventurers get started! The PULPO is specially designed for children's feet and offers climbing performance without affecting their still-growing feet or leaving any pressure marks. A flexible insert is incorporated in the heel area, so the PULPO simply grows with the young wearer! Thanks to the large VCR strap, it is easy to put on and take off. The octopus design makes the PULPO irresistible. Its unique feature: left and right shoes have different colors, enabling better communication with younger climbers using the colors.

    Tuotekoodi 35726xxx2160
    Suositushinta (alv 25,5%) 75,95e
    Kuvaus Red Chili Pulpo blue-red
    Kokojen EAN-koodit 4028545173085 - 27/28
    4028545173092 - 29/30
    4028545173108 - 31/32
    4028545173115 - 33/34
    4028545173139 - 35/36
    4028545173146 - 37/38
    Tuoteluokka Jalkineet ja tarvikkeet - Kiipeilyjalkineet - Lapset